The Hearts of Men Program

A 8-week ongoing program for men with men

The Hearts of Men Program is a 7-week online ongoing program with live weekly calls.

The program is a safe container for men with men to be authentic, learn with and from, share with and listen to other dedicated men.

The program will offer practices such as breathwork and meditations, weekly calls to host and create a sacred bonding between men.

For Who?

You have an ember for self-knowledge, Growth and Experiences!

This is for you if you recognize yourself in one or many of these statements:

  • you are looking for healthy masculinity in your life,
  • you are going through a challenging divorce or some sort of breakdown,
  • you are facing addiction such as porn, food, social media,
  • you are a nice guy pleasing people,
  • you lack clarity or decisiveness,
  • you tend to react or shut down often and/or easily,
  • you hold beliefs about the world that hold you back in some way,
  • you don't know what to do with your life...
  • you want to learn how to master intimate relationships

The Course

We all live our life interacting from different parts of ourselves, consciously or not. These parts are often independently living using great energy towards their own objectives, that we are unaware of most of the time.

These aspects of ourselves can be called Shadow. I prefer to use the term Samskaras (Indian Sanskrit term) which are imprints left in the psyche by emotionally-charged experiences. By sourcing, extracting, experiencing and expressing the charges hidden behind the emotions can often lead to reorientation of our personality, and a resolution that opens new doors within, freeing energy that have been frozen in time. These charges are often held by different aspects of ourselves, often younger versions frozen in time.

The Hearts of Men program is a 7-week journey for men to become intimate with themselves, to improve competences like self-knowing, self-expressing, active listening, ... which will build self-confidence in return.

The Journey Work

A weekly online call will host the men committed to dive deep within.
Each call will consist of some practices, group and pair sharing, and a deep inner-journey work using the InnerGuidance MethodTM which is a transformational and therapeutic coaching method.

  • Week 1
    • your personal legend
  • Week 2
    • your relationship to the masculine / father
  • Week 3
    • your relationship to the feminine / mother
  • Week 4
    • (self) leadership
  • Break
  • Week 5
    • the Shadow
  • Week 6
    • mastering intimate relationships
  • Week 7
    • bringing all together
  • 3 month follow up meeting

The Course Content

With other trusted men, we will explore themes such as

  • your personal legend
    • what does your story tells about who you are? What beliefs hold you back? What beliefs push you forward?
  • your relationship to the masculine / father
    • whether your father was absent (emotionally or physically), abusive, neglecting or loving and supporting, the father leaves us with an unarguable and monumental perspective on men and how we should live our life.
  • your relationship to the feminine / mother
    • the way our mother did love and nurture us, whether is was neglecting or overwhelming, will indicate how we relate to women and to our capacity for love.
  • (self) leadership
    • we can lead others only if we can lead ourselves first
  • the Shadow 
    • what are its signs
    • inner-child work
    • taming the inner-critic
    • uncover self-sabotage patterns
  • intimate relationships
    • understanding the psychology of women
    • understanding what they are attracted to
    • improving communication
    • learning to navigating conflict
    • understanding your nervous system
    • practices for sexual energy

Each week, worksheets and/or exercices will be shared to support your journey with the other men through the Campus platform.

Registration is by application only! Schedule your call here.


The program not only feeds me with knowledge but the accountability and environment created by Christophe made it safe to actually practice and apply this knowledge - whether its deep inner self-work, reflection, or practices. - Jake

The Men Program is a journey with other men who also want to explore and push their own boundaries. At times it feels like a group ascent onto an unknown mountain peak. Each member will find their own struggles at different stages of the climb. However the hike is done with a group, so you dont feel lonely at all. During the climb, you see some of the struggles that others face, and you also develop an admiration and respect for others. Last but not least, you also develop love and respect for yourself. -William

Men need to be with other good men to grow. This platform has provided just that. Week after week, the materials shared, the group activities done, the encouragement and feedback from other men has helped me to grow. Many of us have become better husbands, boyfriends, sons, brothers, fathers and leaders in our own lives. If growth as a man is what you are seeking, this group is right for you. - Nuphar

The program has provided me with so much inner clarity with depth in discovering the underlying dynamics that govern my relationships with people and myself. It is so liberating and impactful to me. How wish there is such a program when I am younger. It would have shortened my learning curve of my life's lesson plan. Thank you Christophe and my fellow program mates who have contributed to my quantum growth. - Matthew

Seeking growth as a man and to have someone point me in the right direction towards becoming a man. Initially, it wasn't so much the group as I was hesitant, but it turns out that the interaction with the group was what kept me growing! - William

My significant growth and understanding of myself and how it has helped me navigate the life struggles and concerns. The collective sharing from other men and the support structure has also shorten my learning curve and helped me to uncover recurring patterns that have hampered my relationships with others. - Matthew